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Writing Ebook Bestsellers - Low Cost Ways to Test Your Idea Before You Write an Ebook

It always amazes me when a reader of mine sends me an email asking me why their ebook is not selling as well as they thought it would. I ask them if they tested their idea before they wrote their ebook and 100 out of 100 times, the answer is no.

Do not let this happen to you, especially since testing whether there is a market for your ebook before you create it is cheap, easy and quick. Here is how you do it:

Select Your Market
This is the first step in the process. In the beginning, I like to tell first time ebook writers to focus on a market (also called a niche) that they are passionate about and familiar with. When you are passionate about something and know a lot about it, writing ebooks about the market will be that much easier.

Product Brainstorming
Once you have the market selected, you need to figure out what kind of product you want to create. The best and easiest way to do this is to go to one of two places - Amazon or ClickBank.

You can search Amazon by category and see what the bestselling books are about. You can even use their Search Inside feature and look at the Table of Contents fro the top-selling books. This makes it easy for you to create a list of topics for your ebook. But I am getting just a little bit ahead of myself here.

Is The Competition Selling?
ClickBank will rank the bestselling ebooks in each sub-category by their "gravity score" which is a complicated formula, but the higher the number, the better.

If you find a number of products in your niche that have high numbers (greater than 4 or 5 is best), you will probably have a hot niche on your hands and the likelihood of success is pretty high.

If the gravity score is lower than a 4 or 5, you might want to look at a different niche. Once you have confirmed that the market is good and there are enough competitive products selling, you move onto the next step - Creating Your Product.

Create Your Product
If you have a winner on your hand, the next step is to create the product. If you have a loser on your hands, no big deal. You just start back at step one and go from there. At this point you might be frustrated, but at least you have not wasted your time and effort behind creating a product that no one wants to buy.

Be an Expert - They Capture Names
I almost forgot this one, but it is a "must do" when it comes to testing your ebook ideas.

One more tactic you should use, but most people overlook - creating a list. Using an email management program like Aweber, you should have people sign up for a "waiting list" and give them a free gift (ecourse or e-report) for giving you their name and email. This page is called a name squeeze page. While you are working on your product, you send them informative information on your topic and niche.

Why set this page up? Easy. While you create your product, you are building your list. When the product is done and ready for sale, you can send out one tiny little email to your list and make money from day one. Pretty cool, huh?

Now all you have to do is get to work on coming up with ideas to test.

Fabio Marciano is the author of over 40 ebooks and 2 print books.

Visit his site for a FREE Report on how to create best-selling ebooks. Grab it now at: http://www.TheOneMinuteEbook.com While you are there, read the dozens of free articles about starting your very own ebook publishing empire.

