วันพุธที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Powerful Thoughts vs. Positive Thoughts

It is powerful thoughts and not positive thoughts which execute. To understand this let us look at the whole process of execution which has its root in a desire.

The desire gets converted to action which in turn gets converted to accomplishment.

Desire is a thought. And thought is a form of energy. It is energy in stored form.

Execution or action is also another form of energy, energy in motion.

So when we act upon a desire , we actually convert the stored energy in our desire to energy in motion. One form of energy is getting converted to another form of energy.

This is exactly like in archery where the stored energy in the Bow gets converted to energy in motion, the movement of the arrow.

So Action or execution depends upon the energy that our desire stores.

In fact, The process of accomplishment exactly operates on principles of archery.

No energy in your desire, no energy in action, no accomplishment

Little energy in your desire, little energy in action, little accomplishment

Abundant energy in your desire, abundant energy in action, abundant accomplishment

Unlimited energy in your desire, unlimited energy in action, unlimited accomplishment.

So , the Desire needs to store abundant energy . We need to first ensure that there is abundant energy stored in our desire and only then should we release it.

In other words act or execute only when the desire is powerful .

The moot question then is how do we make our desires powerful?

To start with, many thoughts can never lead to a powerful desire. The desire, a thought ,needs energy to be fulfilled .However a normal person has over 60000 thoughts in a day. The thought which is also your desire gets totally lost in this pool of 60000 thoughts.

Each of these 60000 thoughts consume energy. Even if you have abundant energy, you will waste all that energy in feeding these many thoughts.

As a result the desire does not get meaningful energy.

Without energy in the desire, the action would be weak and erratic.

A weak action will not lead to accomplishment . So the solution is in packing abundant energy in our desire. And the only way is to Drastically reduce the number of thoughts.

Just for illustration let us assume that we have 600000 units of energy and 60000 thoughts. then each thought gets only 10 units of energy.

If we are able to reduce our thoughts to 10000 then each thought now has 60 units of energy . In other words our thoughts are 6 times more powerful.

As we keep reducing the number of thoughts so will the energy behind each thought keep increasing. If we have only 1 thought then this thought is now 6000 times more powerful.

The highly effective constantly endeavor to

Reduce the number of thoughts to one.

Store unlimited energy in it.

And when the thought is released from here,

Action will be swift and effortless.

Accomplishment will be instant and certain.

Potharaju Ravindra is the author of bestsellers like GIVE ME BACK MY GUITAR published by Macmillan and FOOLS WORK HARD FOR OTHERS. To know more about him and his company please visit [http://www.givemebackmyguitar.com]. To exchange views with him please visit his personl blog at [http://ravi.givemebackmyguitar.com]

