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How to Write and Sell a Novel

Here's an "eight easy steps" guide.

Step 1) Realize that publishing is a harsh business, maybe the harshest in the world. Over 99% of novels written will never be published legitimately. By "legitimately", I mean by an authentic publisher who pays you an advance (unlike vanity publishers or self-publishers) and probably prints an actual print run (unlike print-on-demand or electronic publishers). Of those few novels that are published legitimately, the vast majority will sell a few copies and then quickly go out of print. Only a tiny fraction of a percent of novels will end up proudly displayed on the shelves of your local bookshop; far fewer will become bestsellers. The odds of your novel becoming a smash hit--or, to be honest, published period--aren't much better than winning the lottery.

Step 2) Accept step 1 and decide that you're crazy enough to go for it anyway. After all, some people have done it, so why not you? Odds are, if you're still here, you will write your novel because you have to; to most writers, writing is as essential as eating or breathing.

Step 3) Find your inner voice. Find the story that inspires you. Find the characters you believe in. Find the book you have to share with the world.

Step 4) Read more writing tips and study the craft.

Step 5) Find a good place to write. I like to take a notebook and pen to a local coffee shop. I sometimes like to stay home, sit in an armchair, turn on music, and write on a laptop.

Step 6) When your novel is written, revise it. Polish the writing, reorder scenes, rethink characters, cut out boring scenes, write new ones, rewrite where necessary. I repeat this step several times. For me, step 6 is ten times more work than step 5. For an hour I spend writing, I can spend a day revising.

Step 7) Submit your novel. Some people start by submitting to literary agents. Others go directly to publishers. Some people will recommend the former approach, others will swear by the latter. Whatever route you choose, your first submissions will be rejected. Trust me on this one. See step 1. Selling a novel on the first try is like writing a major piece of software, with thousands of lines of code, and compiling it successfully on the first try. Technically it's possible, but it doesn't happen. Even bestselling authors like Stephen King or John Grisham received many rejections when peddling their first novels. For most people, step 7 will take years.

Step 8) While working through step 7, start writing your second book!

Good luck!

Find more writing tips at http://www.DanielArenson.com.


Daniel Arenson is the author of the fantasy novel FIREFLY ISLAND, published by Thomson Gale. To read FREE stories, writing tips, and more, visit http://www.DanielArenson.com

