วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Why Do People Quit?

You only fail when you stop trying. You only fail when you believe that any further effort, time, resources or courage to overcome is no longer in you. Sure we all get to that point in our lives when we feel like all is lost and there is no sense whatsoever in continuing to push try or overcome. I've been there many times. In fact as many of you know who have heard me speak know that I have spent a lot of time in "life's valleys". But, I would like to point out that I am still here speaking and writing and you are now reading what I am writing.

I have wanted to quit so many times during my life that it is even funny now to me. I feel like I have had more adversity in my life than any one person deserves but I will say in my defense (not that I need to) that I firmly believe the reason I am able to help others who read my books and are in my seminars is because of the time I have spent in the valley and not because of the time I have spent on the mountaintop.

Why do people quit, give up or just throw in the towel? Are there times when it makes sense to quit? Are there advantages to quitting or giving in or up? And what are the benefits of standing firm and drawing a line in the sand? Here's my take on these four questions.

Why do people quit, give up or just throw in the towel? Well maybe they shouldn't have started in the first place. Maybe quitting was just another way of not really starting. I believe the main reason why people quit anything; a job, career, task, goal or relationship is because they no longer believe that it will never get any better or easier or that they have no longer have control over the outcome(s) Yes, some people lose interest, some people feel they deserve success no matter what they do or don't do but I'm here to tell you that life is a neutral judge. It favors only the brave, humble, courageous, committed and loving. Sure there are examples of people who have succeeded who break all the rules but I ask you, do you think their achievements over the long term give them the satisfaction, contentment and peace they desire?

Are there times when it makes sense to quit? Yes. I have abandoned several projects, initiatives or goals over the years that it just didn't make any more sense to pursue due to any number of reasons. The key is to not quit quickly or easily before you have given your purpose, goal or whatever - adequate opportunities to succeed. There is absolutely no sense in staying in an abusive relationship or career at the expense of your health or happiness, move on, call it quits and don't beat yourself up about it for years.

Are there advantages to quitting or giving in or up? Yes, but only if you learn from your quitting. Only if you take that learning into your next, goal, mission, purpose or activity.

And what are the benefits of standing firm and drawing a line in the sand? I suggest this action only if whatever it is that you have decided to stick with no matter what, represents your heartfelt dream, passion or purpose in life. I don't care if it takes your entire life to achieve the success you desire and feel you deserve, if you are passionate about it and plan to stick with it no matter what and no matter how long, you will be amazed at the courage, contentment, self-belief and value you receive from knowing that you stayed the course no matter what the curves, roadblocks or failures along the way.

Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 4000 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management, leadership and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 70 books including; Soft Sell, That's Life, SOLD, 81 Challenges Managers Face and Your First Year In Sales. He can be reached at tim@timconnor.com, 704-895-1230 or visit his websites at http://www.timconnor.com or http://soldbook.com.

