วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

How I Got My Book in a Celebrity Magazine's Hot Sheet!

About 6 months before my book was published, I had this dream of getting listed as "Hot Book of the Week" in a major celebrity magazine. So, I made a phone call to the editor and told her about my book. She seemed pleasant enough, as I mentioned that several A list celebrities were mentioned in the book, as well as the fact that 15% of the proceeds would be going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation®. Over the months, I'd let her know, via email, the progress of the book. I'd get pleasant little responses, here and there. I knew that getting in this magazine was a big deal, and rather a long shot, as most of the featured books are those by celebrities themselves, or #1 bestsellers that are put out by major publishers. My book was simply self-published via POD, and I knew that this was going to take a miracle. But I kept affirming that this was my goal - to get listed as HOT BOOK of the Week!

As my plan was to launch around Mother's Day, I persistently contacted the editor, with news of pub date, my marketing plans, etc - basically chit chatty little emails - always, always mentioning how much I loved her column and how I had actually bought a certain item she had mentioned in the previous week's issue.

Finally, the date was getting close. I decided that some guerrilla tactics were going to be needed if I was going to have any results. So, I printed out a cartoon image of a dreaming girl, with a cartoon bubble coming out of her head. I then, pasted in a collage-like manner, HOT Sheet in the bubble, with an image of my book where the HOT BOOK of the Week was going, with some copy, as if it really was in the magazine. The caption below the montage was "Just Dreamin'!" I filled a box with 4 of my music CD's along with the collage, and sent it off.

On May 10th, I got an email from the editor, telling me that although she could not fit me into the actual magazine, she was able to fit my book into the Online version of the magazine - and that it would be listed as HOT BOOK of the MONTH - for a full month! This was one of the most exciting days of my life, and I think I jumped up and down doing the happy dance for about an hour! Now, I always include "As Seen in ... " in my signature block, and I have a nice screen shot print out of my book: Hot Book of the Week - just like I had dreamed.

The results? Since the celebrity mag mention, I was recommended by Dr. Laura, was a guest on Martha Stewart Whole Living Radio, hit #1 in "Wedding Showers" on Amazon.com, the Learning Annex asked me to submit a video workshop on how I became an Amazon bestseller, and I was asked to join a panel of writers at the writer's convention in New York City this spring. I've been a guest on over 65 radio shows and listed in several print magazines and have been featured in several online sites. I've been a repeat guest on the a nationally syndicated TV show as a mother-in-law expert, and am on the brink of a corporate sponsorship. As well, I auditioned for and got the position of co-host for an exciting new online radio show.

So, stepping out on a limb and being creative can often lead to great things. Never underestimate the power of visualization, determination, and a little creativity.

Please visit Sally "The MIL Manager" Shields on the web at http://www.thedilrules.com/ for contest giveaways, free bonus gifts, The DIL Rules newsletter and more!

