วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Your Guardian Angel

Your guardian angel is your link to the divine. The word "angel" comes from the Greek and means "a messenger." The concept of guardian angels goes back thousands of years to the Assyrian and Babylonian civilisations where they were believed to protect palaces and temples. However, this gradually changed. Many people in the Christian tradition believe that every baby gets assigned a guardian angel at birth. Jesus referred to this when he said that the angels who look after children always face God (Matthew 18:10).

About 150 AD, a man named Hermas wrote one of the earliest Christian bestsellers, Shepherd of Hermas. In it, Hermas wrote of his personal angel-shepherd who acted as his guardian angel and helped him on a daily basis. Moving forward almost 1,900 years, Pope Pius XI said that he prayed to his guardian angel every morning and evening. When he had to speak to someone who was opposed to him, he asked his guardian angel to communicate with the other person's guardian angel first, to eliminate any potential problems.

We all have a guardian angel that watches over us, and tries to help us in subtle ways. Not long ago, I spoke to a woman who had narrowly escaped being run over while crossing a road. She felt a force push her to the side of the road moments before a car raced past. She attributed her lucky escape to her guardian angel.

Small children often believe in guardian angels, but often lose faith as they grow into adulthood. Regardless of your beliefs, your guardian angel continues to communicate with you in thoughts and dreams intended to inspire, help and counsel you. However, your guardian angel will never interfere with your free will. Occasionally, when the situation is urgent, guardian angels act in a more direct way. When Sir Ernest Shackleton, the British explorer, was returning from the South Pole, he knew that "one more" accompanied his party. When Sir Francis Smythe was attempting the final stage of his ascent of Mount Everest on his own, he was aware of an invisible companion. "I could not feel lonely, neither could I come to any harm," he wrote afterwards.

How do you recognize your guardian angel? Ask your guardian angel to communicate with you in quiet moments. Become aware of your dreams. Heed the quiet voice that warns you when you are tempted to do something wrong. You will gradually realise that your guardian angel is with you all the time, and is willing to help you in everything you do.

Your guardian angel is your own personal guide and teacher. As you accept your guardian angel's presence your life will gradually improve. Small upsets will no longer bother you, and you'll find yourself more loving, accepting and compassionate. You'll also become aware of the spiritual in every area of your life.

Richard Webster is author of 80 books, including Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians, Miracles, Michael, and Gabriel (all published by Llewellyn Publications). His website is http://www.psychic.co.nz

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Best Sellers on eBay Know These 5 Secrets to Making Money

There are lots of people selling lots of things on eBay. Whether they are successful or not, is anyone's guess. However, there are five secrets that if you learn and follow will guarantee you make a profit selling on eBay.

Secret #1 - Knowing what sells. Sounds easy doesn't it? However, you would be surprised at how many people are unaware about what really sells on eBay. People waste their time and effort listing items that don't sell or maybe do sell but they break even if they are lucky. You can check out eBay's Pulse page for hot items that sell. My secret; toys sell all year round on eBay. Selling toys during the holidays isn't the only time to sell them. There are many parents attending many children's birthday parties all year round that need to buy toys as well as grandparents who will spend a lot of money to get the perfect gift for their grandchild.

Secret #2 - Knowing the best days to have your auctions end. A lot of people do not realize that, yes, it really does matter when your auction ends. It doesn't matter what day you list it, it is the end day that matters the most. What are the best days for your listing to close? The secret is Thursdays and Fridays. In my experience I have received the highest bids on my auction items when they have closed on either of these two days.

Secret #3 - Knowing the best time to have your auction end. The day when your auction ends is important but the time your auction ends is even more important. The best time to have your auction end; approximately 10:00 p.m. eastern time on Thursdays or Fridays. This gives people on the West Coast who have already gotten home from work, had dinner, and family time, time to surf the Internet. You will capture your largest crowd across the U.S. this way.

Secret #4 - Knowing what price point to list your auction. So you don't want to list your precious necklace that you've had for years and never worn at 99 cents? Then you shouldn't be on eBay. Because the competition to sell on eBay is fierce, unless you list your auction at 99 cents you probably won't have many lookers let alone buyers. You will be surprised how quickly an auction that begins at 99 cents ramps up to the hundreds of dollars for items that are popular.

Secret #5 - Having both fixed price items as well as regular auctions running simultaneously. Why? Because once someone looks at or places a bid on your auction item, they will see your fixed price item as well. If they don't want to wait the auction out they will buy your fixed priced item immediately. If you can afford the cost of an eBay store, you have an even much better chance for selling success.

Using these five secrets will guarantee your success on eBay.

I am a wahm of 2 kids. My favorite link for making money online with eBay is http://www.auctionsupport.info. If you would like more info. about eBay secrets you can check here http://www.auctionsrus.info.